Gastro Club&Events

Experience together

Fascinating flavours and mesmerising experiences are to be shared!

Forthcoming classes & events

Испания е всичко, за което можеш да си мечтаеш! Тя е слънце и възторжен вкус, истинско приключение за небцето. Ела с нас на едно непринудено зехтинено пътешествие, за да се потопиш в Златото на Байлен. Oro Bailén е гама първокласни extra virgin, а трите емблематични сорта Arbequina/Арбекина, Hojiblanca/Охибланка и Picual/Пикуал ще разкрият какво е то свежо окосена трева и зелена ябълка, сладки бадеми и полски цветя, нежна и смела пикантност в едно маслиново масло.

Анна Петкова (@My Pure Olive), сертифициран сомелиер на зехтин, ще е твоят гид в дегустацията и съчетаването на зехтин с храна, и във всички тайни на течното злато.
В тази дегустационна вечер ще научиш:

Как се дегустира зехтин и как да разпознаваш висококачествения;

  • Защо сортът и стилът на extra virgin имат значение за храната (и защо 3 различни бутилки са нормално нещо в кухнята, подобно на food & wine pairing);
  • Кой зехтин е за готвене и кой за финален щрих/ разкош на ястието във всеки сезон;
  • Повече за Хаен – световната столица на зехтина и тамошните традиции и майсторство;
  • Защо зехтинът е цяло вкусово-ароматно пътешествие и е любов за цял живот.
    Също така:
  • Ще дегустираш 4 отличителни зехтина (3 ранни реколти, 1 традиционна реколта) и 1 посредствен за сравнение;
  • Ще овкусиш своите tapas и ще опиташ 3 различни съчетания с 3-те ранни реколти, а чаша вино ще допълни щастието;
  • Ще срещнеш съмишленици – зехтинени и гастрономически ентусиасти, с които времето отлита.

Събитието е партньорство между Solibero, +Това & My Pure Olive

¡Hola Jaén! / Дегустационна вечер (12 октомври, +това) (

Past events

Extensive theoretical & practical course dedicated to: 1. EVOO uniqueness as superfat & food from nature; 2. commercial categories of olive oil – how to choose, differentiate high quality & care; 3. olive oil & cooking, and why to prepare the food on the pan & in the oven with EVOO; 4. practical steps of tasting olive oil with 5 artisanal EVOOs from Spain & Greece; 5. main deffects & their destinction with tasting of detiriorated & mediocre olive oils

Two masterclasses dedicated to: 1. theory – olive oil commercial categories & how to choose EVOO, EVOO uniqueness for health & beauty, EVOO as an unparalleled helper in the kitchen & for all heat applications, biodiversity & factors for EVOO mastery, EVOO & food paring potential, 2. how to taste EVOO & distinguish high quality (3 artisanal EVOOs + 2-3 mediocre & defected EVOOs), 3. how to pair different EVOO styles & varieties with food (a different bite with each oil)

Italy & Greece on focus with tasting session of 2 Tuscan artisanal EVOOs blends (Antinori – Peppoli DOP Chianti Classico & Santa Cristina), Koroneiki monocultivar EVOO from Peloponesse & Koroneiki monocultivar EVOO from Zakhintos and a pairing dinner menu with the 4 EVOOs.


Partners of the event: WineMarket & The Greek store Milos

A tasting bar to dsicover artisanal EVOOs from Greece, Itay, Croatia, Turkey & Spain along with a demonstration of preparing two simple sauces with different EVOO styles & varieties for salad (Chiavalon blend, Istria, Croatia) & dessert dressing (La Cultivada Picual, Cordoba, Spain)

EVOO & food pairing ideas

Have you ever imagined that the olive cultivars for crafting EVOO are more than 1200? And each one is carrying its very unique DNA with authentic expression of Fruitiness, Bitterness and Pungency? So much similar to the world of wine and its rich biodiversity!

In “Sun & Olive Oil – stories and recipes about fascinating flavours of the Mediterranean” Anna created a mapping with 3 EVOO profiles to inspire and guide you when cooking at home – Sunny olive oils, Golden center olive oils and olive oils Beyond.

Sunny olive oils

with delicate fruitiness and pungency

Golden center olive oils

with medium fruitiness and pungency

Olive oils Beyond

with intensive fruitiness and pungency, often with well-expressed harmony, complexity and persistence

Now that you have this guide at hand, EVOO and food pairing will be easy and turn into discovery, creativity and ultimate delight for the senses.

Let’s share many flavour journeys together!


July 2023

Our EVOO selection this month

Anna selects a distinct EVOO and shares its characteristics and pairing ideas with you!

Code for 10% discount: MPO_JUL_10


MPO comes to your home

Sometimes there is nothing more precious than someone to surprise you, and inspire you while cooking a lunch or dinner for your family and friends, sharing some tips about the preparation of the dishes, having a tasting session of a selection of high quality distinct EVOOs, and experimenting with their pairing with the food.

Cooking together is even more fun if you and your friends love to discover, learn and experience the magical flow of food creation.

My Pure Olive and Anna will design a tailormade Mediterranean menu aligned with your taste preferences or surprise you by setting together a broader thematic frame, e.g. Citrus joy, Winter flavours, Spring greens, Little bites, The yellow of summer, etc.

Our speciality is to always bring on stage seasonal products, their flavours and wholesomeness, and make them shine with curious flavour combinations and elaborated EVOO pairings. 3 special EVOOs and a 3 course menu* to explore and delight in!


*Anna’s recipes are nonmeat and take you in the world of Nature’s biodiversity: veggies, greens, herbs, spices, nuts, legumes, grains, cheese & yogurt, fish. #MedDiet – what else?!

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Gastro trips

Soon to come!